The War on Natural Gas and Why Natural Gas is a Positive net benefit for the progress of our society Nick Deiuliis is president and CEO of CNX Resources (NYSE: CNX), a premier natural gas production company based in Pittsburgh, Pa., with operations across the Appalachia region; a region that holds one of the world’s largest supplies of natural gas. An attorney, engineer, author of “Precipice: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy America,”...

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North Korea Expert Lawrence Peck

Posted By on Apr 20, 2023

Lawrence Peck, a native of Los Angeles, California, has intensively researched and monitored pro-North Korean activities in the U.S. for over 25 years. He has a B.A. degree in Political Science from UCLA and a Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School. He has been recognized by many in the U.S. and Korea as the leading expert on pro-North activities in the U.S., and the foremost authority on pro-North groups and activists operating...

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The Fear-based Unscientific Response to COVID-19 Pat Fidopiastis is a microbiologist specializing in beneficial and pathogenic associations between bacteria and their animal hosts. His lab uses a combination of classical microbiology approaches and molecular tools (e.g. genomics, proteomics, microarray, PCR, etc.) to understand the mechanisms that bacteria use to colonize animal tissue. They use these tools to study the abundance and...

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Jon Coupal is the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association(HJTA). HJTA, with offices in both Los Angeles and Sacramento, is the largest taxpayers association in California with a membership of over 200,000. Founded by the late Howard Jarvis, the author of Proposition 13, HJTA’s name is synonymous with tax relief and the uncompromising defense of the California homeowner. HJTA maintains offices in both Los Angeles and...

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Robert O’Brien is the co-founder and chairman of American Global Strategies LLC. He was the 27th United States National Security Advisor from 2019 – 2021. O’Brien served as the President’s principal advisor on all aspects of American foreign policy and national security affairs. O’Brien brought a renewed focus to defense and industrial base issues to the NSC. During O’Brien’s time as National Security Advisor, the United States...

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Senate District 23 can be won in 2024 by a strong Republican candidate who is a proven fundraiser, with a strong winning track record, and an experienced campaigner. Former Assemblywoman Suzette Valladares is that candidate. In the State Assembly, Valladares was one of the founders of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, she passed legislation protecting crime victims, and delivered cost-saving measures for homeowners, businesses,...

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