About us

We are the leading local Republican political action committee in Los Angeles with six chapters throughout the county. Our members include numerous elected officials, business and community leaders and political activists from Long Beach and West Los Angeles to Santa Clarita. Our members enjoy outstanding networking and unmatched access to local, state and national elected and issues leadership at our monthly meetings and exclusive members-only events



The Los Angeles County Lincoln Clubs was founded as in independent organization in the wake of the 1978 elections. Formerly part of the United Republican Finance Committee (URFC) of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County (RPLAC), the Lincoln Clubs broke away from RPLAC in the 1980 elections. Led by former URFC Chairman Julian Virtue, the Lincoln Clubs became an independent Republican major donor organization.

Our first major success came in 1980 with the election of new Los Angeles County Supervisors Deane Dana and Mike Antonovich, creating a Republican majority on the Board. Mr. Virtue personally tapped Mr. Dana to run, and Lincoln Club leaders provided major financial support to both candidates in their upset victories over sitting incumbent Democrats.

The Lincoln Clubs have gradually spread throughout Los Angeles County and now include every major population center of the nation’s largest county. We are leading supporters of the vital voter registration programs that have propelled Republican growth in Los Angeles County during the past decade.

Building on growth in our first thirty years, our goal is to create a Republican voter majority in Los Angeles County by 2050.





Our organization is administered by a Board of Governors, which meets monthly at the California Club and is comprised of the Executive Board and the chapter chairmen. Actions between meetings may be taken by the Executive Board, consisting of the Officers.

C.R. “Bob” Holmes

Linda Boyd

Craig Missakian

Chairman Emeritus
Robert A. Virtue




The Los Angeles County Lincoln Clubs leadership represents the core of Los Angeles Republican political leadership and have a track record of financial and volunteer support for conservative issues and candidates for partisan and non-partisan offices throughout the County.

Our six chapters and chapter chairmen are:

Downtown – Owen Brennan

Foothills – Acting Chairman, Linda Boyd

San Gabriel Valley – Mike Lewis

Santa Clarita Valley – Hunt Braly

South Bay – Bob Holmes

Southeast Los Angeles County – Mike Lewis