LACLC Member Hadley Top 2016 Democrat Target

Freshman Republican Assemblyman and South Bay Lincoln Clubs Member David Hadley is the Number One offensive target of Democrats in the State Assembly in 2016. Hadley beat incumbent Al Maratsuchi by just 700 votes in 2014, and Muratsuchi is seeking a rematch this year. He outpolled David in the June 2016 primary, underscoring the need for a maximum effort to win in November.

David’s 66th Assembly District includes the beach cities from Manhattan Beach to the Palos Verdes Peninsula and has a small Democrat registration advantage. David is the first Republican to hold partisan elective office in the South Bay area in over 20 years. We must reelect him to stop the Democrats from regaining a two-thirds “supermajority” in the State Assembly.

Fortunately, David has been an ideal candidate right out of central casting, with a warm and friendly attitude, picture perfect family, values that fit the district, a tremendous work ethic and great fundraising ability. He and his staff have covered the district like a blanket with information on his progress and how well he represents them in the state legislature.

South Bay Lincoln Club Chairman Bob Holmes, a grizzled 12 year veteran of local city politics in Manhattan Beach and tireless Hadley booster, has made retention of his protege his number one goal in life in 2016. The South Bay Lincoln Club has maxed out to David in the primary and plans to do so again in the general election.

The Democrats will throw millions of Sacramento special interest dollars in this race to defeat him. It is up to us to give David the financial support he needs to get this message to the voters and win reelection. We urge you to add David Hadley to your list of supported candidates in 2016. Please contact him at today!

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