Congressman Alex Mooney
Congressman Alex X. Mooney and his wife live in Charles Town in Jefferson County with their three children. Their third child, Gabrielle, was born in Charleston, West Virginia in October 2014. The son of a Cuban refugee and Vietnam veteran, Alex grew up with a deep sense of appreciation for the American ideals of individual freedom and personal responsibility.
Alex’s mother, Lala, was born and raised in Fidel Castro’s Cuba, where she and other members of her family were thrown into jail for seven weeks for opposing Castro’s communist regime. When she was 21, Lala escaped Cuba and fled to America with barely a penny to her name.
Alex’s father, Vincent, was sent to Vietnam when Lala was expecting their first child. He served as an Engineering Captain and was awarded the Bronze Star.
Alex played football and rugby at Dartmouth College, where he graduated in 1993. A passionate defender of pro-life values, Alex also served as the president of the Dartmouth Coalition for Life during his junior and senior years.
Since Congressman Mooney was first elected in 2014 he has been consistently fighting for conservative, fiscal, and social values including lower taxes, less government spending, protecting our Second Amendment rights, pro-life legislation, job creation, and protection for our seniors.
Alex believes that West Virginia is poised to be a leader in defending and promoting American values of hard work, faith, and freedom that have made our country great. With a proven record of fighting for conservative values, Alex is fighting to encourage the job creation and prosperity West Virginians deserve.