Political Consultant, Humorist and Writer, Ryan James Girdusky

They’re Not Listening: How the Elites Created the National Populist Revolution

Ryan James Girdusky is a political consultant, humorist, and writer whose work has been featured in multiple publications including the Washington Examiner, the American Conservative magazine, The Week, Human Events, Daily Caller, and Townhall.com. Since 2007, Ryan has worked in politics, starting out with New York City Councilwoman Helen Sears. He has worked on dozens of political campaigns including Michael Bloomberg for Mayor, Bob Turner for Congress, Liberty for All Super PAC, Bob Holden for City Council, and for the Logan Circle Group.

A native New Yorker, Mr. Girdusky co-authored the 2020 book They’re Not Listening: How the Elites Created the National Populist Revolution, which is about how “cosmopolitan elites across the globe are ignoring the will of the people-pushing disgruntled voters into the arms of national-populist parties and politicians.”

He also founded the 1776 Project PAC, which supports school board candidates who oppose progressive curricula, such as teaching Critical Race Theory and gender theory. Mr. Girdusky writes, “Progressive activists within our public education system were using their positions to indoctrinate children. Even conservative communities in red states were not immune from this growing epidemic.”

Join fellow Lincoln Club Members and friends of the Lincoln Club for what will be a lively, timely, and humorous conversation about the state of our national affairs.